What is a tailor's mannequin and how is it different?

A tailor's mannequin differs from the usual one for displaying clothes in a store in several ways.. First, by the purpose, as it is most often used by tailors and professional designers for designing, sewing or repairing clothes. Although even today there are certain categories of stores, where this type of equipment is successfully used to demonstrate. If we talk about the use of a tailor's mannequin in the trade area, then this is relevant for stores, selling classic clothes (especially men's classic suits). Usually, they are used by shops or firms, having their own history and traditions. The main advantage of this demonstration method is, that the client is not distracted by the equipment itself, focusing your attention directly on the model of the presented clothes. However, the difference between the two species does not end there.. The last, usually, made of soft materials, which are easy to pierce with pins (after all, this is what their purpose in the work of a tailor comes down to). It could be styrofoam, polystyrene or other material (they were originally made of wood), which is covered with fabric. Colors, usually, dark - black, under the tree, shades of brown, although today, if desired, you can also find options, performed in more creative colors - bright red, blue, etc.. The base can be a tripod, деревянная нога или же круглая, квадратная, oval base. There is a possibility of height adjustment. Во многих случаях даже

What is a tailor's mannequin and how is it different? Read more