How to make money on dividends

What is dividend Dividend is a share of profit, which the company distributes among shareholders. When you buy shares of a company on the stock exchange, you are entitled to dividends on those shares until then, as long as you remain shareholders. Hypothetical example. The company has released 100 Shares. You bought one share on the stock exchange. The company's profit for the year was 100 rubles and will be paid in the form of dividends. As a result of the payment, you will receive 1 ruble.

IBM and London Stock Exchange use blockchain in the securities market

Italian Stock Exchange, division of the London Stock Exchange (LSEG), will join forces with IBM Blockchain, to help European small and medium-sized enterprises gain access to a variety of resources, previously available only to large public companies. This is reported on the LSEG website. According to the developers of the new blockchain platform, small and medium-sized enterprises usually have difficulty accessing capital, as well as difficulties with the issue of shares.

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