HIG : Hartford Financial Services

HIG : Hartford Financial Services Sector: Financial > Industry: Insurance (Prop. and Casualty) Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (Hartford), is an insurance and financial services company. It provides investment products, separate life, group life and group disability insurance products, and property and accident insurance products in the United States.

Trades for 27 July

GD : General Dynamics Corporation Sector: Capital Goods > Industry: Aerospace and Defense Covered the position for no reason, could in 2 earn more times. That's what it means, let the profit grow ... HIG : Hartford Financial Services Sector: Financial > Industry: Insurance (Prop. and Casualty) Trade with minimal risks, hoping to catch a reversal and with minimal recoil.

Signals 31 July

Down Up HAR 22.5 24.5 BEN 86 89 RL 60.1 62.7 CSL 30.2 32.05 BDK 36.9 38.1 IR 27.9 29

Signals on 30 July

Down Up HAR 22.7 24 BEN 79.7 81.5 RL 60.1 62.7 CSL 30.2 31.75 VMC 46 46.5

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