how to find an investor. basic misconceptions.

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Trading in fact – it is a very complex and time consuming type of business. At the same time, many perceive it as a path to millions., working for yourself. Deals can be made on your own yacht in some Tahiti, live in grand style, travel, drive cool cars…

Basically it is possible, but let's try to figure out some key points, which bring chaos to this idyll, when it comes to the real embodiment of such a picture of the world in life. so, how to earn money, being a trader?

1. For that, to earn enough, engaged in trading, you need to be an expert in this business. Understand, what and how everything happens here, pass the fire, water and copper pipes and stay in the game.

2. The next important point: you need to work with serious capital. Say, that professional traders do not work for their own money, but they manage investors' funds. It is called quotient trust management. And commissions and bonuses from trust management and allow you to live on a wide foot. Investors, in turn, are also tormented by questions.: how and where it is better and profitable to invest free money in a crisis?

3. Besides, what a trader should be able to earn, he must also have some necessary qualities, such as ability to present oneself and win over people. Next, we will analyze this moment in more detail..

I'll say it again., what ALL, WHO REMAINED IN TRADING AFTER A FEW YEARS OF TRADING (as a rule, this is not the most profitable period and for many is simply associated with a loss of funds) – CAN COUNT ON SUCCESS AS MANAGERS. Because they held out. Only God knows, what they had to go through, but it didn't break them. And this is an indicator. Such a person may not have an established state, but the very fact of, that a person stubbornly chisels at one point – speaks of innate perseverance and determination. And that's it., what do you need.

  War of words ...

Finally, my opinion is that, what all troubles and disappointments among traders are related to, what they have to work at their own expense, koi are very small. And that profit, which they can get from these funds, cannot be compared with voltage and energy consumption. From here MAIN ERRORS – HIGHER RISKS, TRADE IN STYLE «HIT OR MISS» AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TENSION, WHICH INVOLVES A DEPARTURE FROM THE RULES OF THE CU.

Is there a way out of this state of affairs? Undoubtedly. Have to look for an investor, who invests so much, that you will be able to put the risk on the trade in 1-3% and clearly understand, that even 30% per annum let you have everything, what you dreamed of, coming into this business.

And so the trader went to look for investor

Funny to talk, but 99% investors on forums – this bolt, That, clenched in a sweaty fist a couple of thousand dollars smartly announce a tender for traders with states several years in advance, break-even guarantees and almost monthly profit in 100%. This is lol. And as soon as it comes to real Investment, even these pennies do not go to traders. Hold your nose, our «investor» proudly leaves, since he did not find worthy.

We will not repeat the mistakes of the rest, but let's go the other way.

And I'll tell you, how an investor wanted to invest 100k in me, and why nothing came of it.

to be continued…

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